Shopping Vocabulary in Vietnamese

The term “market” – “Chợ” is an absolute affinity to us as Asians. However, unlike any other developed countries in the area, Vietnam has still retained its uniqueness in the variation of local markets. Consequently, traveling down South or up North all give you the utmost impression of how we Vietnamese go shopping in our daily life. Resultantly, tour operators tend to grant a truly local experience as offering some packages “off the beaten path” for their clients. So now it is the right time to get set for some basic words and phrases just in case you step inside a local market or a clothing store and no one there can speak English.

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Let’s start with some common phrases

“Cái này bao nhiêu ạ?” – “How much is this?”

/cai – nei – bao – dzew – a/?

(In Vietnamese, we often put ” ạ” at the end of every sentence to express our politeness to the listeners – mostly when they are older than us)

“Cái này là gì?” – “What is this?”

/cai – nei – la – dzi/?

“Cái này size bao nhiêu?” – “Which size is it?”

/cai – nei – size – bao – dzew/?

“Cái lớn hơn ; Cái nhỏ hơn?” – “Bigger one ; Smaller one”

/cai – lon – hon ; cai – dzo – hon/?

“Đắt quá!” – “It’s too expensive!”

/dat (d like in “d” in dozen) – kwa/

“Hãy giảm giá!” – “Discount please!”

/hey – zam – za/!

(When you find something too expensive and you want to bargain)

“Bạn có cái nào rẻ hơn không?” – “Do you have anything cheaper?”

/ban – ko – kai – nao – re – hon – kong/

“Tôi muốn mua …” – “I want to buy …”

/toy – moon – mu-ah/

“Có ….. không?” – “Do you have …”?

/co: … ko-um/?

“Cảm ơn rất nhiều!” – “Thank you so much!”

/kam – on – dzat – dzew/!

“Tôi lấy cái này” – “I will get this”

/toy – lei – cai – ney/

“Tôi mặc thử được không?” – “Can I try this on?”

/toy – mak – thu – duck – kong/

“Tôi thanh toán bằng tiền mặt/thẻ…” – “I’ll pay cash/credit card/etc.”

/toy – than – tan – ban – teen – mat/the/

Well, markets comprise a whole bunch of things. You can find fresh red meat displayed on the wooden bars or alive fish whisking in the middle of the trays. So what if you do not know how to say what you want? We are here to help!

Some common words while shopping

Kick off with popular items you will definitely catch sight of:

  1. Cá /ka:/ : fish
  2. Bò /bo:/ : beef.
  3. Heo /he – ew/: pork.
  4. Gà /ga:/ : chicken
  5. Thịt /tit/: meat
  6. Rau /dzau/: vegetables
  7. Hoa /ho – ah/: flowers
  8. Quả /qua:/ : fruit
  9. Cà phê : coffee
  10. Trà /dja/ : tea
  11. Thức ăn /thuc (th like “th” in thight – an/ : food
  12. Quần áo /kwan – ao:/ : clothes
  13. Ăn /a:n/ : (to) eat
  14. Uống /oon/ : (to) drink
  15. Mua /mu-ah/ : (to) buy
  16. Bán /ban/  : (to) sell
  17. Giảm giá /dzam – dza:/ : (to) discount
  18. Giá /dza:/ : price
  19. Tiền /teen/ : money
  20. Tính tiền /ting – teen/: it literally means “count the money”. Say this when you want them to bring out the bill.
  21. Vui lòng ; làm ơn /vui – long ; lam – on/ : please

Some common dishes in Vietnam

  1. Cơm /com/ : steamed rice
  2. Phở /pho:/ : Vietnamese rice noodles
  3. Hủ tiếu /hoo – tew/: soup rice noodles. It’s usually served with pork.
  4. Mì /mee/ : egg noodles.
  5. Bún /boon/ : vermicelli noodles
  6. Bánh mỳ /beng – mee/: Vietnamese stuffed baguette
  7. Gỏi cuốn /goy – koon/ : spring rolls
  8. Bánh xèo /banh – xeo/: Vietnamese big pancakes

And then, go for “ĐŨA /du-ah/” if you want to say “chopsticks”; MUỖNG or THÌA /moon/th-ia for a spoon; NĨA /near/ for a fork and DAO /dzao/ for a knife.

There will be much more to come but I do believe that the list I gave you above could help you somewhat while going shopping in Vietnam. So get set, learn all these words, step into a market and practice! You will improve real quick! I recommend you open Google translation to hear how these words and phrases are pronounced correctly since what I explained for the pronunciation above might be easy for you to speak but not 100% correct in proper Vietnamese pronunciation.

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